Sideways Talk with Riff Johnson
Sideways Talk with Riff Johnson
EP #020 JoseSantiago
2/28/24 How do you keep a rowdy bunch of musicians in line in Redneck Riviera USA? You play percussion! Joined this week by my friend Jose Santiago in a little part of Alabama in between Mobile and Pensacola, Florida. Some would say Florabama area. This is an interesting part of the country, I've been visiting for a few years now, excited to get a chance to hear from Jose some of the features of the local music scene and hear about his upbringing from Puerto Rico to the United States as a young man. Welcome to Jimmy Buffet Country!!
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Sideways Talk with Riff Johnson Podcast:
Audio: Streaming everywhere online Spotify etc:
Intro: Riff Johnson "Sideways"
Narration: Just Carla - Northern Soul Sista: https://www.facebook.com/CarlaVocals