Sideways Talk with Riff Johnson
Sideways Talk with Riff Johnson
EP #019 Trisha Mason
2/21/24 More fun than you can shake a stick at with this Mid Maine Magestic Madame Trisha Mason in the House!! Always a joy to get a moment to chat with my little friend. She has such a wonderful creative mind (little unkown fact: she is also the first local to Maine Artist I was ever a bit starstruck to see perform live) Trisha is in another phase of her music career, learning further to navigate social media while recently relocating to the mid coast Maine area. Discussing the challenges of being a young music mom and the balancing act that goes along with all of that. Enjoy the show!!
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Tour Dates, Music, Merch and More at https://www.riffjohnsonmusic.com
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Sideways Talk with Riff Johnson Podcast:
Audio: Streaming everywhere online Spotify etc:
Intro: Riff Johnson "Sideways"
Narration: Just Carla - Northern Soul Sista: https://www.facebook.com/CarlaVocals