Sideways Talk with Riff Johnson
Sideways Talk with Riff Johnson
EP #012 - Paige Phillips
7/26/2023 - Paige Phillips works as a virtual assistant for online clients. Originally from Canada Paige is also now working as management for Riff Johnson Enterprises! Taking the reigns in booking Riff all over the United States and hopefully soon internationally has been quite an adventure even for this rather short period of time. Hopefully this partnership only gets bigger and bigger as time goes on. Looking forward to what comes next!!
Check Riff Johnson out:
Tour Dates, Music, Merch and More at riffjohnsonmusic.com
Book Riff Johnson through Paige Phillips:
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Sideways Talk with Riff Johnson Podcast:
Audio: online Spotify etc. buzzsprout.com/riffjohnson
Video: youtube.com/riffjohnson
Intro: Riff Johnson "Sideways"
Narration: Just Carla - Northern Soul Sista: justcarlasings.co.uk